A brief summary of what the Executive officers and their Assistants have achieved in just their first week...
A brief summary of what the Executive officers and their Assistants have achieved in just their first week...
Executive committee:
Josh Smith - Chair
- I’ve tackled some key parts of my manifesto.
- National events now have feedback forms, so we can use participants feedback to improve future events.
- The full membership survey is ready to go out.
- Policy Fixers group has been set up and is already reviewing policy documents.
- Caught up with all the upcoming national events and new assistants.
- Started work on a long term development plan for SSAGO looking beyond the current exec.
- Looked into getting SSAGO set up as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
- Had our first exec meeting and am about to schedule another.
Lauren Whittaker - Secretary
- Written my first set of minutes (which have been more than approved by Josh as the best SSAGO minutes that he has ever seen)
- I have also made a template for future minutes to be written this yea!
- Trying to keep up with everything whilst being on fieldwork and catching up with all of the Facebook notifications afterwards!
- I think that is about it other than setting up so that I'm ready to send out lots emails...
Frances Milroy - Treasurer
- Got the leftover Euros from Witan changed over
- Changed the SSAGO hotline numbers to the new exec
- Updated the list of paid members
- Emailed clubs about Rally Budgets
- Phoned HSBC
- Lots of attempting to get access to online banking
Anona Mann - Members Officer
- This week I have started talks with James about Oxonjam with the hope to get it up on the SSAGO website soon so people can start signing up as staff for it!
- Other than that, I grumbled at a printer and have taken Harold on a few train adventures, as well as passed Harold's necker measurements to Dale!
James Frith - Publicity Officer
- Posted social media updates throughout BUGS Ball
- Wrote and encouraged others to write a few SSAGO news articles (Ball, Kohoutek, etc)
- Sorted out google and facebook page ball albums, if you have photos from Ball make sure to add them here
- Designed MOOT merchandise for and publicised the new SSAGO shop
- Created a SSAGO MOOT event to show participants (and encourage non-SSAGO student attendees to sign up to SSAGO!)
- "1000 Facebook likes" competition, which has already achieved an organic reach of 2000 with over 30 entering with some brilliant reasons to love SSAGO! Click here to enter too!
- Started looking into publicity/branding updates and freshers campaigns for this year, as well as organising the Media team
- Started sorting many volunteering opportunities for the summer (Fundays, Gilwell 24, etc) including making SSAGO website events
- Sorted a handy to-do list facility for all Exec and Assistants (that hopefully we'll use!)
- Wrote this blog post!
Executive Assistants:
Beatrice Phanjoo - International Officer
- Established an overall plan and a to do list
- Liaised with previous SSAGO person involved with international contacts research
- Started an international contact list
- Started looking into having a potential team
Dale Patrick - Quartermaster
- Finally got the food choices for the caterers for my wedding confirmed as well as the order of business
Larah Korrison - Archivist
- Detailed to-do list
- Cleaned up the google docs file ready for team input - making it user friendly
- Started a contacts sheet
- Shared/highlighted relevant materials to the rest of the exec from the archives
Laura Payne - SAGGA liason
- Discussed with a few SAGGA members the importance of mentioning SSAGO when talking to TSA/GG
- Found out SAGGA's contacts in TSA/GG so we could see if we were talking to the same people to promote continuity and improve communication (and for the most part we are!)
- Commenced a SAGGA, TSA and GG contacts list
- Established who is on the new SAGGA committee
- Liased (and escaped the escape room!) during a SAGGA Birmingham event
Oliver Bills - Webmaster
- Finished the SSAGO online shop functionality, SSAGO can now sell things (Moot merchandise is the first test!)
- Integrated Paypal ready for online payments for the shop and future events
- Created the SSAGO blog
- Updated the website with the new exec and assistant details
- Improved the SSAGO survey system with new question types and will be available for clubs, events and others in SSAGO to use shortly
Vicky Sanderson - Notifications
- Saved a few NAN forms
- Going to update AA in my holiday in line with POR
- Sorted some enquiries out about forms
- Going to continue to update Notifications Factsheets to reflect changes in SSAGO for regional activities and rally forms
- Usual form filling stuff